i finally feel like a programmer

Yesterday was the first day that I felt as though I could call myself a games developer. I could not explain the euphoria of the first successful compile and seeing everything run beautifully.

Spent the whole night before hand not sleeping because I had too much code running through my head. At six in the morning, after writing it all down and laying in bed for what felt like many, many hours, I started work. By ten at night, all my code was there, the entire level had been redesigned, it was all planned, implemented, and debugged, and it bloody worked. Almost exactly how I had deliriously imagined whilst battling with my mind to sleep.

This was all in UnrealScript, and I had to hack in multi-dimensional arrays, use custom algorithms, and make the best use of archetypes to get it all working. I could not have been more proud after my first playthrough of the level.

This is what games development is all about. These micro moments of pure ecstasy after spending 20 hours on one simple problem because it finally works. I probably couldn't say that I felt any better than the average dude when it comes to programming before, but I have a new found confidence.