Consuming The New

Some people dislike the new and seek comfort in the familiar, whilst others relish the new and enjoy experiencing the unknown. For the past few years I have certainly been part of the latter category and am rather frustrated when it comes to people complaining about inevitable change.

The landscape of technology is one of major shifts where one thing could fall away apparently instantly and a new thing can become a giant in just a matter of weeks. You come to accept this the longer you spend absorbing the latest tech news, and it very quickly inserts itself as your new normal. This is almost undoubtedly the reason for my relatively recent attitude, but I feel as though something deeper is going on.

Spending my proportionately short amount of free time absorbing a piece of entertainment that I have previously enjoyed doesn't sound out of the ordinary or a waste of time; at least not to the average individual. However, to me, this sounds like a humungous waste of time, and very rarely do I find myself in the position where this is an acceptable thing to do. Such rare situations involve sitting with my family and relishing their company whilst an old movie happens to be on, going to the cinema a third time to watch that movie that I loved, or anything Pixar.

So yes, there are certainly occasions in which I will consume something again, but this tends to be to get something new out of the seemingly same experience. For the most part I want to limit the time that I will regret to as small a figure as possible, as I'm sure most people would if only they thought about it in as much obsessive depth as I do. There is something inherent about my nature that actually regrets spending time on something in which I do not get something valuable out of it. Needless to say, when I use the word value I am not talking about money.

As with almost every aspect of my personality, I am not sure whether this is a positive or negative characteristic. I also cannot say with certainty that as soon as I get a little closer to 30 and further away from 20 this whole silly preoccupation will not slip away. I can only talk about my opinions on it, and how I feel in this moment, but I suppose that's the case in every opinion post everywhere.